Who We Are

UCI is a Protestant church made up of many nationalities and backgrounds that worships God in the English language at the Dutch Chapel in Istanbul.

Our Identity & Purpose

We are an international community in the heart of Istanbul that exists to glorify God by making disciples and multiplying Christ-centered communities among all nations, beginning in our city.

Our Statement of Faith

We believe in the One Holy God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – infinite in love, power and wisdom.

We believe God the Father creates, sustains that which He begins, and reveals Himself to us, holding us accountable, as individuals and nations, for that which he has created.

We believe God the Son became incarnate in Jesus Christ. He was born of a virgin, lived and suffered in obedience to the Father, died for the sins of the world, and rose in triumph over death. Therefore, God has made Christ the Lord of all, Who will come again in glory to judge humanity and to establish His Kingdom.

We believe God the Spirit regenerates and indwells to empower, guide, comfort, sanctify, and unite us one with another.

We believe the Scriptures – the Old and New Testaments – are unique and divinely inspired. They are trustworthy in matters of faith and practice and are understood through prayerful study and by the illumination of the Holy Spirit.

We believe humanity was created in the image of God for fellowship with Him. This relationship was broken because of sin and is restored through faith in Jesus Christ.

We believe the Church consists of those reconciled to God through faith in Jesus Christ. The Church is to proclaim the gospel of Christ and to be His presence in the world.


Historic Creeds

We hold to the historic Nicene Creed and the Apostles Creed

Church Governance

UCI is an autonomous church that independently governs her own affairs. In all religious matters, it answers only to it's members and to God.

How our church is ordered: 

Congregation (Members) - The ultimate authority for the church's governance is derived immediately from Christ and resides in the members jointly.

Pastoral Council (Elders) - Lead, oversee, teach & shepherd the congregation exercising oversight in all aspects of the life of the church and her members 

Ministry Team Leaders (Deacons) - serve and lead under the oversight of the Pastoral Council, to meet needs of members and ministries in the life of the church

Our Pastoral Staff

Lead Pastor

Scott Logsdon

Scott Logsdon has served as our Lead Pastor since August 2023. Before coming to Istanbul he was on the pastoral staff of McLean Bible Church in Washington D.C. Scott received his PhD and his MDiv from SEBTS in Wake Forest, USA. He and his wife have 2 married daughters.

Email Pastor Scott

Interim Associate Pastor

Kasey Crosby

Kasey has been a member at UCI since 2012 and has served on our pastoral council, church council & in various other church ministries. He received his MDiv from SBTS in Louisville, USA. He and his wife have 4 children.

Email Pastor Kasey